Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Weather Sorcerer 氣候魔法師

Nowadays we always heard of global warming,four season delayed etc.
Its bring me an idea for my new handmade.
The weather sorcerer are a set of my new handmade creation.

The sun sorcerer - he control the light,summer and keep life awake on Earth
太陽魔法師 - 看管光,夏天 和維持地球上的生命力。

The rainbow sorcerer - she control the dreams,spring and keep beauty of the earth.
彩虹魔法師 - 看管夢想,春天 和維護美麗地球

The rain sorcerer - he control wind/air,rain and the dawn。
- 看管風/空氣,雨和黎明。

I love photography


(handmade by teeny)

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